Student Services » Student Services

Student Services

The Student Services department provides comprehensive programs and services to support the academic functioning and well-being of students while honoring their multiple and diverse identities.  Our department personnel work in partnership with teachers, parents/guardians, and community organizations to support the academic and social emotional needs of all students.


Dr. Monica Spence

Assistant Superintendent of Student Services 

The Student Services department programs include:

Early Childhood, Birth -3, and Pre-K Program

Bilingual Education Services

Special Education Services

Student Registration

McKinney-Vento Homeless Services

Social and Emotional Learning

Behavioral Interventions for at-risk students

Crisis Prevention

Emergency Management


Ernst Jourdain
Director of Bilingual Services
Dr. Carrie Ablin
Director of Student Services
Miguel Marcos
Director of Technology
Robyn Reynolds
Student Services Coordinator/McKinney - Vento Homeless Liaison
DCFS Liaison
Dr. Monica Spence