Response to Intervention (RTI)
The purpose of a Response to Intervention Plan is to establish a systemic and an effective infrastructure designed to guide instruction which would be beneficial to all students equitably. It would also:
- Ensure research-based curriculum and instruction
- Ensure the learning process is focused o differentiated instruction and individual student growth
- Ensure learning process is focused on individual students’ progress within whole group instruction
- Ensure that progress is based on student data analysis
- Enable early identification of struggling students
- Provide intervention strategies for identified (targeted) students
- Provide a systemic pathway for reaching the needs of all students
- Three tier model of instruction/behavior intervention
- Problem solving method
- Data/assessments/screening/progress monitoring
Our primary resource used for ELA is Fountas & Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention(F&P). F&P is a powerful, short-term intervention, that provides daily, intensive, small-group instruction, which supplements classroom literacy teaching. Leveled Literacy Intervention turns struggling readers into successful readers with engaging leveled books and fast-paced, systematically designed lessons.
We also use nationally normed Istation’s Indicators of Progress (ISIP™) for a select group of students to measure growth with engaging, computer-adaptive diagnostic and screening programs.
From intervention to enrichment, Istation gives students the instruction they need when they need it. Web-based reporting provides formative insight to guide instructional decision-making and intervention strategies. Students who use Istation Reading make greater gains in overall reading ability compared to those who do not use the curriculum.
To support students in math, Focused Mathematics Intervention reinforces key mathematical concepts and build mathematical fluency with this easy-to-use intervention program. This versatile program incorporates effective, research-based intervention strategies while emphasizing critical areas of mathematical focus at each grade level. Students will learn how to be active math learners through explicit instruction of mathematical strategies through a strategic progression of math topics across the series scope and sequence. This series can be used in a variety of instructional settings and schedules including summer school and after-school programs.